
A Comprehensive Guide To Learning WordPress Plugins - What Can They Do?

By Herbert Sutton Owen

To run a versatile and believable offer for a website or blog, you need adequate assurance that your UK web hosting solution is optimized for increased control. It is also important that the hosting platform is well suited for integration for various web management and control tools such as the most revolutionary WordPress plugins on offer in the market. This guide provides a comprehensive examination of these offers and evaluates their veracity and mode of operation.

The versatility offered by these wordpress web hosting plugins is decidedly robust. They can be customized to do just about any task associated with managing online content as well as management of a web based service, whether administrative or client side based. However, the most obvious plugins serve to provide the webmaster with added functionality in terms of link checkers, libraries as well as external linkages to the website or blog.

The most popular plugins are the ones that are primed to provide greater control over the traffic to your blog. The higher the number of viewers accessing the content on your website, the more the search engines hold your offer in greater regard. It is as well important to safeguard your online content from unauthorized usage by pilferers. There is a number of competing choices for both these tasks and we will presently take a look at the most versatile of these.

Perhaps the most popular WordPress plugin available is Sociable, and for good reasons too. As any online review will no doubt reveal, a vast majority of web users devote their time to using social networking sites. This presents a veritable goldmine of backlinks to your website. The Sociable plugin has a set of share buttons for all the popular social networking sites. The ease of use enables the user to select only the buttons they prefer and arrange in their own preferred order of merit.

When you have a number of blogs and websites to manage, the task of optimizing each page for higher ranking on search engine search results page (SERP) can be decidedly time consuming. This is where plugins such as Headspace2 come in to the rescue. Not only do they allow for greater ease when managing keywords, page descriptions and meta-tags; they also support all the add-ons that are indispensable to a professional webmaster including Google Analytics and StatCounter.

Another tool worth mentioning is Platinum all-in-one SEO pack especially for its ease of use and versatility in the long run. Its decidedly superior set of features place it at the top of every webmaster and blogger's wishlist. These features include for instance: canonical URLs, automated redirect capability as well as meta-tag generation tools. Further to these, you have the choice of turning on or off features like nofollow, noarchive and nosnippet without having to worry about dealing with the underlying HTML code.

You no doubt give a lot of importance to the content that you have generated over the course of time and will be glad of any application that aids in your retaining control of such content. This takes on added significance when it comes to videos and images that are uniquely yours. Cyberspace pilferers have no consumption about lifting off such content and using on their site. The Hot Linked Image Cacher plugin is well placed in detecting when images from your UK webhosting site are displayed on other sites and disabling them from displaying. This not only safeguards your ownership of them but saves on precious bandwidth.

To ensure that the website or blog on which you have expended considerable effort on proves its worth, you need all the help you can get. The most established WordPress plugins available not only give you adequate control of your site but are decidedly superior in ensuring that your site is recognized by the search engines and has its fair share of traffic. What is even more pleasing is that these plugins integrate seamlessly with your UK webhosting plan.

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