
How To Get Started With A Raw Food Diet

By Joe Raynir

Are you curious about a uncooked food diet, but don't think you can do it all the time? You don't have to, definitely not to start. Many of us are conditioned to think of food as reward and comfort. We look forward to the end of the day, having dinner with our families, or going out to dinner with buddies.

Try eating uncooked foods during the day. If you go to work every day, take carrots, apples, grapes or dried fruit with you to chew on. If you usually go out to lunch during the daytime, try to go places where you can get a salad. If you pack a lunch, include sprouts and fruit with it.

Steamed brown rice and plants and a little fruit may not sound interesting, but it?s a good energy lunch. If you are like many folks, those fast food lunches make you feel as if you want to crawl under your desk and take a nap in the afternoon! They make you slow and knackered. A lighter lunch of raw foods can keep you energised throughout the day.

The business culture is dissimilar nowadays, and there's less of a routine than there used to be with a morning "coffee break" and then "lunch hour" and an "afternoon break." That routine does not work for a large number of people any more, but you can still get hungry during the day.

By taking a selection of uncooked foods with you to work, you can munch intermittently throughout the day. Ensure you eat every one to two hours. Occasionally it's better to eat to avoid getting hungry. If we let ourselves go too long until we get hungry, that's when it's simpler to make poor food choices. Eating uncooked foods periodically during the day also keeps your metabolic rate humming along, and keeps your blood sugar at steady levels.

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